Experiencing a car accident is difficult enough, but the time afterward can be just as bad. You’re healing from your injuries, seeking medical care, arranging time off from work, and so much more. The last thing you need to worry about is dealing with adjusters from the other person’s insurance company.

Insurance companies are not looking out for your best interest. Insurers try to take advantage of that vulnerable time right after a wreck, and they normally want you to sign away your rights. They will try to confuse you about your options, or insurance companies always want you to settle your case for less than you deserve.

After an accident, you should always consult an attorney before agreeing to anyone’s terms. Here is a broad overview of how a lawyer can help when you’ve experienced a car wreck.

Understanding the Settlement Process for Car Accidents

Essentially, this involves creating an agreement with the other party involved in the accident. The agreement concerns financial compensation for any damages or injuries. This is rarely a smooth, straightforward process. It often involves negotiations and/or legal intervention.

A multitude of factors can impact the settlement process. These include the severity of the accident, everyone’s insurance coverage, and state law.

How an Attorney Can Help You Secure a Larger Settlement

It’s hard to navigate the complexities of receiving compensation from insurance companies after a car wreck. A good attorney has the legal experience and negotiation skills necessary to help.

A skilled lawyer can gather evidence on your behalf. They can use their investigative skills to uncover facts that you may not be able to access on your own.

An attorney can also negotiate for you. They know how insurance companies think, and they are aware of the legal loopholes these entities often employ. A lawyer works for you and your best interests. They want to make sure that you receive the maximum compensation possible. With the support and guidance of a knowledgeable lawyer, you can rest assured that your rights and interests are protected throughout the claims process.

Documenting Your Medical Bills and Treatment Records

When seeking a large settlement after a car wreck, keeping thorough records of your medical bills and treatment is essential. Insurance companies will look for any gaps or discrepancies. Detailed documents provide evidence of the financial damages the accident caused. Without proper documentation, it will be challenging to prove the extent of your injuries or the expenses incurred.

Keep track of all medical bills, including:

  • Testing
  • Surgeries
  • Hospital stays
  • Medication costs
  • Rehabilitative therapy
  • Mental health treatment related to the accident

Calculating Lost Wages After an Accident

You may be entitled to compensation for lost wages after a car wreck. Calculating these wages can take some time.

You must factor in:

  • Your hourly or daily wage
  • The number of days you missed work
  • Any benefits you may have missed out on
  • Any sick or personal time you used for your recovery

Additionally, you may be unable to pursue or continue your chosen career, or maybe you missed advancements because of your injuries. In these cases, you may be able to recover your lost potential wages as well. This calculation considers your lifetime earnings, education, and experience to determine what you could have made had the accident not occurred.

Your attorney can help you calculate lost wages, both real and potential, and they can help make sure you are fairly compensated.

Working with Your Insurance Company on Your Claim

Insurance companies prioritize their own interests. Their business model demands that they take in as much money as they can while paying out as little as possible. Therefore, they will offer you a smaller settlement than you actually deserve, or they find excuses to deny your claim altogether.

Don’t attempt to work with an insurer on your own. Hire an experienced attorney who will represent your interests. The Law Office of Shane McClelland, PLLC can help you negotiate a higher settlement and protect your rights throughout the process. Remember, your insurance company does not have your best interests in mind, but with the right help, you can get the large settlement you deserve.

For a free consultation, contact our team online or call our office directly at 713-987-7107.